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See how National Geographic History magazine inflames and quenches the curiosity of history buffs and informs and entertains anyone who appreciates that the truth indeed is stranger than fiction with a digital subscription today. And that history is not just about our forebears. It’s about us. It’s about you.
Perfect for nature-loving pre-schoolers, National Geographic Little Kids magazine is crammed full of cute creatures, interactive activities and mind-teasing puzzles. It's not just fun - it's an adventure that nurtures your child's key skills in numeracy, literacy, and beyond!
The latest news in science, exploration, and culture will open your eyes to the world’s many wonders. Get a National Geographic digital magazine subscription today and experience the same high-quality articles and breathtaking photography contained in the print edit.
國家地理學會 (National Geographic Society)是全球最大的非營利科學與教育組織之一。 在1888年以“增進與普及地理知識”為宗旨成立的國家地理學會,致力於激勵大眾關心地球。國家地理透過各種雜誌、電視節目、影片、音樂、無線電臺、圖書、DVD、地圖、展覽、活動、教育出版課程、互動式多媒體,以及商品來呈現我們的世界。《國家地理》雜誌是學會的官方刊物,以英文版及其他40種國際語言版本發行,每月有6000萬讀者閱讀。國家地理頻道以38種語言,在全球171個國家進入4億4000萬個家庭。國家地理數位媒體每月有超過2500萬個訪客。國家地理贊助了超過1萬個科學研究、保育,和探險計畫,並支持一項以增進地理知識為目的的教育計畫。
...National Geographic en Español es la fuente inagotable de experiencias impactantes y novedosas. Ofrece artículos que narran la belleza, el misterio y las crudas realidades de la vida en la tierra. Por 125 años ha sido un medio de información preciso y esto lo ha convertido en una de las mejores fuentes de consulta del mundo.
National Geographic Traveller Food focuses on where to go, what to see and how to explore the world via unique culinary experiences. Its writers talk to producers, suppliers, farmers, chefs and restaurateurs, and this authentic storytelling is accompanied by so-good-you-can-almost-taste-it photography. Whether it’s uncovering the truth behind a gourmet trend, sharing delicious recipes or taking readers on the bumpy journey from farm to fork,
...Each issue is packed with authentic travel experiences and vivid photography, plus insights and tips to inspire would-be explorers to travel widely, ethically and safely. We are passionate about experiencing the world, championing sustainable travel and celebrating journeys from a local or cultural perspective.